Question Types Available in Cuttly Surveys

Cuttly Surveys provides a versatile array of question types and inputs that enable you to create customized surveys tailored to your specific needs. Understanding these options will help you design a survey that captures the data you're looking for.

Detailed Guide:

Radio Buttons:
Perfect for questions where you want a single answer from the respondents.
Respondents can only select one option, making it clear and straightforward.

When you need answers to questions that may have more than one correct option, checkboxes are the way to go.
Respondents can select multiple options, giving them flexibility in their answers.

Text Inputs:
Text inputs are ideal for open-ended questions that require more elaborate responses.
They allow respondents to type in their answers, providing you with qualitative data.

Dropdown Menus:
Save space on your survey with dropdown menus, especially if you have a long list of options for a single question.
Respondents can click to see all the options and then select one.

Sliders are a dynamic way to capture the intensity of feelings or frequency of behaviors.
They're interactive and can make your survey more engaging.

Star and Number Ratings:
Use star ratings for quick visual feedback, commonly used for satisfaction or performance ratings.
Number ratings can be used for more precise quantitative feedback.

Implementing Question Types:
When creating your survey, you'll be able to select the question type that best fits your needs directly in the survey editor. For each question:
Choose the question type from the dropdown menu.
Fill in the question text and any potential answers (for radio buttons, checkboxes, or dropdowns).
Customize additional settings like mandatory responses or adding a description for context.

Utilizing these diverse question types, Cuttly Surveys allows you to gather a wide array of data, from simple yes/no answers to complex opinions and preferences.

Tips for Selection:
Balance: Mix different question types to keep the survey interesting and get various data types.
Relevance: Match the question type to the kind of information you need — quantitative for measurable data and qualitative for in-depth insights.
Clarity: Ensure the chosen input type is clear to the respondent to prevent confusion and gather reliable data.

By taking advantage of the diverse question types offered by Cuttly Surveys, you can create effective surveys that encourage participation and yield meaningful results.

Here are examples of Cuttly Surveys:
Cuttly Survey
Product Feedback Form
Customer Satisfaction Survey

Find out more about the options available in your subscription plan here: Cuttly pricing and features