Changing Your Survey Link to a Custom Back-Half in Cuttly Surveys

Personalize your Cuttly Surveys by customizing the back-half of your survey link. This makes your survey easily identifiable and enhances brand consistency. Here's how to customize your survey link in three simple steps.

Step-by-Step Guide to Customizing Your Survey Link:

1. Create Your Survey:
Start by creating your survey in Cuttly. If you’re not sure how to do this, follow the detailed guide here:

How to Create Cuttly Surveys

Once your survey is set up and saved, you’re ready to customize your survey link.

2. Select and Edit Your Survey:
Go to the 'My Surveys' section in your Cuttly dashboard.
Find the survey you want to customize from the list and select it to enter the editing mode.

Cuttly - url shortener

3. Customize the Survey Link in Main Settings:
In the survey editing interface, navigate to the 'Main Settings' tab.
Look for the 'Survey link' field. Here, you can modify the back-half of your survey URL to something more personalized and reflective of your survey or brand.

Cuttly - url shortener

Enter your desired custom back-half and Cuttly will automatically check its availability.

4. Save the survey:
Go through the survey steps and save the survey in the last step.

Important Tips:

Consistency is Key: Make sure your custom back-half aligns with your survey's purpose or your brand for immediate recognition.
Simplicity Matters: A simple, direct back-half is easier for your audience to remember and enter.
Confirm Changes: Ensure you save any changes made to the 'Main Settings' before exiting to ensure your custom back-half is applied.

With Cuttly Surveys, editing your surveys is a seamless process, empowering you to gather the most accurate and insightful data from your respondents.

Here are examples of Cuttly Surveys:
Cuttly Survey
Product Feedback Form
Customer Satisfaction Survey

Find out more about the options available in your subscription plan here: Cuttly pricing and features